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Mountain Family Fellowship missions


Here, near, Far


We partner with others in the Kingdom of God to make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:19)

Below you will find information on the ministries we support and partner with

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Here Near Far Pdf print (Presentation).jpg

Manna Baskets

Bonnie Stevens

Helena, MT

Web address:

FaceBook: Manna Basket Ministries


Mission Statement:

To encourage, energize, and strengthen the harvesters who have been toiling for long hours in the fields; to bring fresh gifts of hope to the laborers.


Partner with established ministries, churches, and missionaries to bless them with aid and support. Evangelize and feed people; go into all the world and bring hope.Raise up short-term missionaries; send them out as prayer teams and laborers to refresh those who work on the front lines.


Outreach and Serving in Turkey, Israel, West Bank, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Fiji, Kenya, Turkana, Uganda, Indian Reservations, Prison, Soup Kitchens and Shelters for the Homeless

Greatest Needs: Prayer for our friends in dangerous hard places; monthly donations for: Bibles and teaching materials, medication for sick children and poor adults, food and clothing.

Gate Beautiful Ministries

Lori Robinson

Butte, Montana


FaceBook: Lori Robinson


International Christ-centered evangelism and outreach

Write training manuals and books

Teach the written Word of God- the Bible

Provide humanitarian aid locally and around the world

Facilitate Hope Centers


The Seed Sower Project

Cory and Janna Jones

M-25 Missionary

Dodson, Montana

Serving the Gross Ventre and Assiniboine tribes of the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation.


Outreach: Firewood ministry, Equine Therapy ministry, foster reunification home


Facebook: Cory Janna Jones


Greatest needs: consistent monthly support

Accepts volunteers to help with construction projects and fire wood outreach in the summer

Mission M-25

For the Least of These

Gary and Carolyn Burd

Lawton, Oklahoma

Mission M25 is a national ministry to the overlooked, lost and hurting in today’s society.

Outreach: Run for the Wall; Riding for Israel; Free Camp; Battle Cry and Knights Training; Adopt a Military Child; Diaper Run, support against Human Trafficking

Greatest Needs: Heater and Air conditioning in new building, volunteers to help with building maintenance, volunteers to ride with the team

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The King’s Harvest

Tynan and Lydia Barnes

Central Mexico

FaceBook: Tynan P. Barnes 


We are dedicated missionaries with a passion for cultivating transformative disciple-making movements that resonate deeply with the emotional, physical, and emotional needs of the people of Central Mexico.

Through our missional efforts of The King’s Harvest, we focus on the simplicity of disciples making disciples of Jesus and helping all people to navigate life’s challenges with faith and resilience leaving a lasting impact on their communities and beyond. 

Hope of Israel

Ramin and Yasmine Parsa

Jerusalem, Israel

We preach Christ and Him crucified. He defeated sin, Satin and hell, He rose from the dead. Jesus is Lord. Believe and you will be saved.


Cooking and feeding displaced Jewish people

Serving the IDF

Building a worship/prayer center

Greatest Needs: donations for food; and funds to purchase land to build a worship and prayer center

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Playing Cricket

Mission Pakistan

Mariann Wenstrom

Helena, MT


Works via the internet with a Christian School in Pakistan.

Options Clinic

Helena, MT


Pregnancy Testing

Decision Making Tools

Ultrasound Exams

Parenting Classes

After Abortion Support

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